Prix Caprilli:

Kaylyn Conradie & Sky – 2nd place

Sasha-Lee Valadao & On Target – 4th place



Kyla & Treasure Island  – 10th place

Nicholas Howe & Blue Storm – 1st place



Nicholas Howe & Blue Storm – 6th place

Chiedza & Thessaly – 11th place

Kyla & Treasure Island – 10th place

Savannah Thomson & Kinvarra – 6th place



Savannah Thomson & Kinvarra – 1st place, 1st place

Nicholas Howe & Cyndon Bolero – 1st place, 2nd place


Working Hunter:

Nicholas Howe & Blue Storm – 7th place


Congratulations to all the Riba Stables competitors and Instructors! You were all fantastic!
