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Results: Gauteng Valentines Vaulting show 2016
Results from the Gauteng Valentines Vaulting show B Grade: Dimitra Michalakis - 1st place C Grade: Erin Muller - 1st place Sienna Blaauw - 2nd place Asea Pozniakow - 5th place D Grade: Julia van Beerschoten - 1st place Alexia Fouquet - 2nd place...
Results: Valentines Show KEP 2016
Results from the 2015 Valentines show at KEP A80cm Championships: Bianca Olivier & Pizzas - 5th place A1.20m Championships: Kayla Gertenbach & MiBlackBox Cassando - 1st place A1.30m Championships: Kayla Gertenbach & MiBlackBox Preamble...
Results: SANESA Q1 2016
Results from the first SANESA Qualifier 2016 60cm Competition: Alexia Fouquet & Blue Storm - 1st place Welcome Equitation: Alexia Fouquet & Blue Strom - 9th place 70cm Ideal Time: Ashleigh Olivier & Amadeus - 13th place 70cm...
Results: Gauteng Vaulting Championships 2015
Results from the Gauteng Vaulting Championships 2015 E Grade: Charlsy Loni - 2nd place D Grade: Esther Sagot - 1st place Alexia Fouquet - 2nd place C Grade: Erin Muller - 1st place Asea Pozniakow - 2nd place Sienna Blaauw - 3rd place Canter...
Results: SANESA nationals
Well done to Cailin Conradie, Nicholas Howe and Savannah Thomson for all qualifying for the 2015 SANESA Nationals!! Equitation: Welcome: Nicholas Howe & Blue Storm 3rd place Showjumping: 70cm: Nicholas Howe & Blue Storm 10th place (less than one second...